downtown mexico merida sunset

For Teachers

911Global Navigator High School Summer Abroad

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Your Partner in Global Education

Every day in classrooms across the U.S., dedicated teachers like you promote global education to students to help them grow into global citizens. We’d like to partner with you and your school to open the world to your students at a whole new level!

If you share our passion for equipping students with the knowledge and skills to live in a globally interdependent and culturally-diverse future, join our movement. Work with 911to promote study abroad and our high school study abroad scholarships, seize paid or free travel opportunities, pursue professional development, design a custom program to take your own students abroad, and more.  

We have the privilege of collaborating with a wide range of schools, spanning from high-performing educational institutions to schools making their way toward improvement. With your support, we can make study abroad an essential part of secondary education in the U.S. and make it a highlight of students’ high school experience.

What Teachers Want to Know

Promote Study Abroad

Be a Program Leader

Pursue Professional Development

Discover Our School Network 

Let’s Graduate 21st Century Global Citizens Together

High school students leaning against a wall in London

World Language Proficiency

  • Our high school curriculum reflects linguistic and regional differences and uses linguistically, visually, and culturally-rich authentic resources in the target language.  
  • Local language teachers are trained to use our communicative, task-based approach while participants apply what they learn in class, all day long in the local environment.  
High school student holding a clipboard

Global Competence

  • Our participants investigate the world around them, having meaningful interactions with locals to recognize multiple perspectives and adapt to unfamiliar situations.  
  • Projects and real-world tasks train them to communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences.  
  • Reflection journals and debriefs offer participants a chance to process their experiences. 
Group of students hiking in the mountains of Alicante

College Readiness

  • Our participants gain greater independence, maturity and leadership skills, which are all essential skills at the university level and beyond.  
  • Participants in our Language & Culture programs can earn 4 college credits in high school through our partnership with Tulane University and demonstrate language growth through STAMP 4S language proficiency pre- and post-test scores to earn the Global Seal of Biliteracy. 

Getting Your High School Students on the Global Track

Learn more about our Program Outcomes

Why U.S. High Schools Choose 911

Global Navigator trio on the streets of Palma de Mallorca

High School Curriculum Alignment

Building on what participants already learn in high school, our proprietary, localized curriculum aligns with American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) standards, Next Generation Science Standards, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, and more. 

Group of high schoolers in Cape Town by the ocean

Unprecedented Scholarships

With the largest high school study abroad scholarship fund in the country, 911is committed to providing access to students who are typically underrepresented in study abroad programs by awarding over $7 million to participants based on academic merit and financial need.

airplane shadow on beach abroad

Large Global Footprint

We have full control of the delivery of our programs in 35+ destinations across the globe with local 911staff working year-round to recruit local teachers who are then trained on our proprietary curricula and how to work with U.S. teens. 

What Teachers Are Saying

  • “Global Navigator high school summer abroad programs lift students up and provide them with an opportunity to grow beyond the walls of our classroom, which often confine them. I have seen this time and again, especially for our BIPOC students and students who are socio-economically disadvantaged.” 

    Christen C., Teacher of Global Navigator Alumni

  • “On a summer with CIEE, Students have very large gains in vocabulary and an ability to speak with ease. They are able to pass the AP Exam and/or get a higher score than they otherwise would. Students gain knowledge quickly when they are in the country with a host family. There is nothing else like it!” 

    Jennifer G., Teacher of Global Navigator Alumni

  • “Students are telling their friends about their experiences and inspiring them to study abroad. Our students see our school as a school where people study abroad, which is bringing a global mindset to our community.”  

    Meghan S., Teacher of Global Navigator Alumni

  • “Students come back from Global Navigator high school summer abroad programs with the ability to skip a level of their language course. One of our students was in Spanish 3 last year and he decided to try out AP instead of doing Spanish 4 and he has been excelling!”  

    Kimberly C., Teacher of Global Navigator Alumni

Want to Host International High School Students at Your School?

911is your one stop for global education. Every year, we support 1,700 international students in U.S. high schools like yours.